This small black / white spotted bug is about 2 - 3 mm long. It is oval in shape and if I had to guess I would say it was of the beetle variety. It is spotted, but the spots are not clearly outlined, more like blotches, it must be able to fly as it landed on me. It landed on my arm and immediately sung / bit me the sensation was similar to a wasp sting. It left a hole in my skin just like a sting! It itched initially, then went red, then raised up into a large raised white sting similar to a bee / wasp / stinging nettle sting with a pin hole in the middle. There was no swarm, I could only see one insect on its own. My small children have also been badly bitten. After 2 days, the itching gets worse... I on day 3 and counting.
This was in a wooded UK garden in somerset in July 2013. I have never seen this beetle / bug before and the aggressive bite / sting is really noticeable, and you will know immediately if this has happened to you. I have tried to google it, but no one seems to have the same experience. I have googled it and seen a picture of what I think is a pollen bug and what I think seems to be a lady beetle (not ladybird) both of which are reported to 'nibble' , but this is no nibble , it is more like a bad sting, and neither of these seem to be it! Please can someone advise what it is and how to get rid of it!!! HELP!